Monthly Archives: December 2009

nneka + jay electronica + j period = THE MADNESS

jay electronica


j period

photography or magic? melissa moffat. muah!

melissa moffat…

photographer or magician?

decide for yourself!

88 days of fortune : the shapes of sound @  smiling buddha lounge december 4, 2009… melissa moffat says she was inspired by the sounds of abstract random – we say thank you for imagery reflected through her eye’s electronic lensso full of light.

we must also add this photo of KJ – look again and again and again – we did.

“nothing is impossible, impossible is a lie.” – KJ ‘black and gold’

(click to download mixtape)

indie artist thoughtfood from tom delong of blink182

“regime changes at the major record label”

“monetize these other elements… and put as much music out there for free”

“it’s like television”

“you’ve got to have the graphics, logo and merchandise…. it’s for to be really cool, clever, window into your mind… a whole world”

“really take pride in how you present your band to the public even when there’s no music”

“think about how to captivate people online… study campaigns that work”

“the true art is seeing how many people that music can touch”

so interesting if you’ve got politics on accessibility (often sliding scale at our shows) ~ amazing idea: the people who can pay for merch et al will pay and finance your work while the people who cannot *caveat: if they have internet access* still get the music

and if you’ve got aspirations in terms of audience that are not ego-based but from an intention of the desire to inspire as an art motivator in terms of a ‘how-to’

and also if you’ve got an ethic contrary to the ‘artist creates art in a vacum’ and you feel like dialogue with peers and listeners are critical to our art’s growth

but in terms of money and marketing, this is super insightful.


check it out. i’m going to.

true say i listened to blink182 in gr.10. word.

in solidarity | dec 17 toronto | march

LADIES FIRST saturday @ revival stone lounge

watch the promo for saturday dec 12th @ the main ingredient: ladies of 88 days represent